Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Finding The Time To Write vs. Making The Time To Write

IWSG Question: How do you find the time to write in your busy day?

We all know the answer I'm supposed to give here. How do you find time to write? You make the time to write.

Blah blah blah

But the real answer is, often times I don't find/make the time. Many times there legitimately isn't time. And sometimes, well, I'm just too lazy.

That's why a couple hours hiding in the corner of Starbucks typing away is such a joy. Or why I do most of my writing after 10pm when the kids are pretty much settled for the night.  With the new school year starting we also have a new dance schedule for kids 4 and 6. I had to rearrange my work schedule a little bit to be able to get them to dance 4 nights per week on time. The plus side to that is I have built two nights into that schedule where I hope to drop them at dance, and then head off to my favorite corner booth and spend the time writing until I have to pick them up again.

That's the plan. How well that plan works out remains to be seen.

Between working, being a single mom and all the other day-to-day drudgery, finding the time to write is a challenge. Making the time to write is a choice.

A choice I really wish I wasn't so often too wore out to make. 

This post is a part of the Insecure Writer's Support Group, a monthly meeting of writers who over think, under write and just want people to like them. 


  1. Glad you carved out some writing time while your kids are at dance. Sometimes you just have to grab what you can.

  2. Keep going. I love the honesty of your post and I can totally relate to it, especially the bit about being lazy. At the moment it's lack of inspiration for me. I'm trying to work on that and visiting your blog is part of that.

  3. Your kids are lucky to have you as their Momma. You have a good plan and I hope you won't be too tired. Wishing you the best.

  4. I love the name of your blog! Ha ha. Yes, I'm in the same boat, I'm a single mother of three boys. Finding time to write is always a mission :-)

  5. Don't you love those pieces of advice? "Make the time!" Silence, it's hard! lol
