Friday, November 26, 2010

A Perfect Night

Tonight was a perfect Friday night. I didn't go out with friends, no dancing at the clubs on Beale Street, and no yoga workshops. It was quiet, the lights were off, and no cell phones, laptops or gaming systems could be heard.

Instead all six kids snuggled under blankets with me and we watched Toy Story 3. That may not sound like great exciting fun, but it's a rare occurrence that I find an activity that both the elementary school kids and the teenagers are interested in. When those moments happen, I cherish them.

At first kid #1, the 16 year old, said he'd watch later. But then I noticed him standing in the doorway watching.

"Come on, there's room over here" I said hopefully.  And he sat down next to me. And lay down against me. Almost a snuggle! Although at one point I put my arm around him and he muttered "Don't even." Hey, you can't blame a mom for trying.

I even caught a couple of the kids sharing blankets with each other. For an hour and a half I had all my kids with me, no fighting and all laughing together.

And yes, I admit, I did get teary eyed at the end of the movie when Andy leaves for college and gives away his beloved Woody toy. I know in the blink of an eye my oldest will be leaving home, followed too soon by the next brother in line. I remember when kid #1 slept with his own Woody toy and had toy Story themed birthday parties.  And here he is now, all 6 feet of him, snuggled up on the couch with me watching the movie.

If I could have stopped time as easily as I could have paused the movie, I'd have sat in my darkened living room all night just enjoying everyone being together.

But I can't stop time, and even in the movies kids grow up, give away their toys and leave home. But not yet.  Grab a blanket and we'll watch a movie together.


  1. Yep that sounds like the perfect night for me too. Sarah doesn't quite get TV but sometimes when she's cranky and just wants to be held I turn on a cartoon and it's the best feeling having her lay against my chest and relax for a minute or two before the flurry starts back up.

  2. Sounds wonderful....looking forward to a night like that myself. Of course we will probably have to be all snowed in for everyone to be home at the same time...LOL
