Monday, May 14, 2012

Yoga Cures by Tara Stiles: And The Winner Is...

Thank you to everyone for reading my review of Yoga Cures by Tara Stiles and to those who posted a comment hoping to win their own free copy.

I used a very scientific method to choose the winner:

  1. Read through everyone's comments and smile at all the ways yoga has changed their life.
  2. Write down everyone's name on a scrap of paper
  3. Fold and place papers in a hat
  4. Except I couldn't find a hat so I just put all the folded papers in a pile on my bed
  5. I picked out one paper and the winner is....
Erin who blogs at Scrambled Eggs!

So, Erin, please email me at so I can forward your address on to Crown Publishing to have your own copy of Tara Stiles Yoga Cures sent to you! Congratulations!

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