Monday, October 11, 2010

For Now and Forever

Think of all the people you know now. All the people you have known. And the people you have yet to know in the future. How do you know each person is an easy question to answer. Why do you know each person may not be as obvious. But each and every person comes in to our life for a reason.

Perhaps it’s someone who offers you a job opportunity. Or helps you through a crisis. Or even an old lover who taught us about love and loss. The universe delivers to us exactly what we need, when we need. The stranger you meet today may be the person who helps you tomorrow.

Sometimes a person will enter our life with such sudden ferocity, that we get bogged down in figuring out why this person is here. What do they want? What can I get from them?  Is this relationship going to last?

The why isn’t always for us to know right away. The why is really just our own ego getting in the way of the universe at work. And when we get in our own way, we lose sight of enjoying just being with the person. We get too lost looking in to the future that we forget to experience the time we have now with this person.

When the time is right, when we need to know and when we are ready to accept the answer, the universe will make clear to us how this person affected our life. Even if they are no longer a part of our life, they touched us in a way that forever impacted us.

And for that, we can be grateful now.

1 comment:

  1. For so many reasons that I would never have the time to name, you will be my friend! Now and Forever!
