Saturday, December 18, 2010

These Are Not New Year's Resolutions!

December 18 – Try What do you want to try next year? Is there something you wanted to try in 2010? What happened when you did / didn’t go for it? (Author: Kaileen Elise)

I don't make New Year's Resolutions. They tend to be the same things year after year. They also tend to be short-term goal oriented rather than life-long lasting change. 

And at what point do you deem the resolution a success or a failure? Is March the appropriate amount of time to lose weight? Should I have a daily meditation practice by June? 

So instead of concrete resolutions, next year I will focus on continuing to evolve as a yogi, a mom, a wife, a friend and a human.

Next year I will try  to:

 - Take my own advice. I'm pretty smart and should listen to myself more often.
 - Stand up for myself even if it means people won't think I'm nice
 - Say yes more often when the kids want to "help" me
 - Admit I'm not Super Woman and accept help when it's offered
 - Convince my family eating more of a vegetarian diet won't kill them
 - Make more time for friends outside of work/family functions
 - Yet not apologize for choosing family over friends
 - Take all those things I'd like to do and accept that even small actions toward doing them is a step in the right direction
 - Expect as much of those around me as I do myself
 -  Be a little easier on myself


  1. Oh, those are some brilliant things to try next year. I especially like, "Take my own advice." That is something I definitely need to try to do more!

  2. -Take my own advice. I'm pretty smart and should listen to myself more often. - I find myself thinking the same thing, especially when I'm teaching yoga. If I did, I'd feel a lot better more of the time.
