Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Break From Cyber World Does A Family Good

I'm back!

My one -week, self-imposed technology break has lasted almost three weeks. I've been very quiet on Facebook, Twitter and Blogger.

First we had our family summer vacation where even 3G access was spotty, then I came home to the stomach flu from hell and was down for almost a week. After that, I realized I was enjoying my techno break. Before, I had been spending a lot of time on social media sites and then complaining I didn't have time to read/write/walk/yoga/meditate/etc. 

Right before I left for vacation I broke down and bought a Kindle so I've been doing lots and lots of reading. Just pure, for fun reading. No heavy deep yoga philosophy books and certainly no Pulitzer Prize winning novels. Stay tuned for a Kindle review blog post to come.

And the technology free vacation? It was great! So many people asked me before we left what my kids were going to do for a week without their xbox, laptops, cell phones and iPads. 
This is what they did:


They played in the lake, went fishing, threw rocks, collected drift wood and got wet. 

They went horseback riding through Ozarks State Park. Kid #6's first trail ride!

Boating and tubing on the lake for an afternoon. Look! Even the 16 year old is smiling!

They had fun together!

In all it was a great trip and everyone survived - and actually thrived - being unplugged for a bit. I was able to spread out my mat on the deck of our lakeside cabin and breathe through my vinyasas as the sun rose and the day began.

My favorite moment was on our last morning. I was deep in my morning meditation and suddenly got interrupted by the screams of kid #5 yelling "Mom, I caught a fish!"


  1. Aww, I love you! (I did notice that the oldest was smiling on your facebook album.. it made me chuckle.

  2. Looks like you had a great time =)
