Friday, October 19, 2012

A Reminder From My Child

My kids don't usually read my blogs. My younger kids never do.

I know my 11-year-old daughter didn't read my post from earlier this week The Leaves Are Dying. And So Am I. 

So when she brought me this picture she made tonight, it took my breath away. And made me cry. Except for the first time in three months they were happy tears.

Tears that when I am weak my kids are strong. And their strength secures me and holds me up when I am falling down.

Last week I wrote "The leaves are dying. And so am I."  Tonight my daughter reminded me "The leaves may fall, but we don't."


  1. That's very beautiful and your daughter is wise. Thank you, I needed this reminder as well.

  2. Beautiful reminder from a wise young lady. ♥

  3. Your daughter displays great awareness at such a young age! You're certainly blessed to have her in your life and receive such a gentle and sincere reminder of what an amazing and strong mum you are.
