I don't normally read fantasy novels but was given a copy of Murees Dupe first novel The Amaranthine (Thelum Series #1). I was very pleasantly surprised and ended up reading the whole book in just one weekend.
This past weekend I came down with some weird virus - high fever, sore throat, ear ache and the worst case of exhaustion I can remember in a long time. I slept and slept almost non stop.
When I wasn't sleeping I had no energy to do anything so I flipped open my Kindle and found The Amaranthine. I wasn't sure at first if I would like it because fantasy, vampires and werewolves really aren't my normal choice of literature. In fact I'm probably one of the few people on earth who has never read Twilight or An Interview With A Vampire.
But I really did like this book! And you know I'm not just saying that because I've been given many books to read and review that I have never actually reviewed -- because I didn't like the book and didn't want to give it a bad review.
So if I'm saying I liked this I really did like it.
The story line and characters are believable. In fact, although they are immortal, I can think of a few mortal people I know that remind me of some of the characters in the book. There is some sexual tension between the two main characters but it's written in a non-cheesy way. It's tough to write sex scenes but Murees did a good job of keeping it light in a way that didn't make me roll my eyes and think oh puhlease!
I especially liked the way the main female character really comes in to her own through the course of the book. We watch as she goes from a timid loner to a self confident powerful female force.
I definitely recommend The Amaranthine and truly hope book 2 is released soon!
That's a great review, Jennifer. When I write a positive review, I try to post it on Amazon and Good Reads.
Wow, Thank you! This is so kind and touching. I am so grateful for the review. You rock!