Wednesday, May 3, 2017

I Just Remembered What I Forgot


I Finally Realized Why I Haven't Been Writing Lately

And it's not laziness!

Well, not just laziness.

I am maxed out on personal training clients at work right now and my empath tendencies are in overdrive. I am worn out from putting all my energy into helping other people that I don't have enough left over energy for myself.

I love my personal training clients and all my class members. I truly do. But I also genuinely care about them. So when they are hurting, I am hurting. When they are struggling, I am struggling to help them. My job, both when training, teaching and as a wellness coordinator is a sort of cheerleader. I need to smile and encourage everyone all day long.

All. Day. Long.

Factor in I often work split shifts, usually 8-2 and then again 4-8, and they make for long days.

So I'm more than a little tired by the time I get home at night.

Well duh. I go through this periodically.

Work a lot - write hardly at all.

Work a little - write like crazy.

It's a crappy balancing act with no balance at all.

It's good that I'm working a lot right now. I need to keep that up. But I also need to balance it out with some self care and some me time. Which, of course, includes writing. I know if I look back through this blog I have written many times about that delicate balancing act.

And, after all this time, I still haven't figured it out.


This post is a part of the Insecure Writer's Support Group, a monthly meeting of writers who over think, under write and just want people to like them.


  1. I think if you do figure out what makes the perfect balance you should bottle it and sell it onto the rest of us as well :)

  2. Finding the right balance always seems to be difficult. I can relate to how you feel right now. I am exhausted as well, not from writing and not from working, but from something entirely different, something that is repeated each time we visit my in-laws in New England for a few weeks. We lack privacy, have to keep up a 9-5 work schedule at home, take care of our elderly hosts and deal with tons of doctor's visits and check-ups and other responsibilities. Me-time sounds very exotic right now. :-)
