Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Release: #reverb14 Day 2

What unfinished projects from 2014 are you willing to release now? (Regret not required.)*

How do you release something you don't want to lose? Even if you know letting it go is what is best for you? What if it's something you are willing to love forever? Even though you know that love isn't reciprocated?

Maybe I'm passionate and optimistic. Or I'm just a fool.

I know I don't ever want to look back with regret or allow the story to become tainted with resentment.

I suppose the trick is finding the balance between the joy and the pain. And having the wisdom to know when the heartbreak of letting go will be less harmful to me than the agony of holding on.

* Some nights you can't write to the prompt as intended, you have to allow your fingers to type out what your soul is trying to release.

This post is part of #reverb14, a series of daily writing prompts to explore the year passed and to manifest the year ahead. This prompt was found at Kat McNally Words To Soothe The Weary Soul.

1 comment:

  1. You're absolutely right, Jennifer. The response needs to be written as it wants to be written. You're wise just to go with it.
    As to the releasing, sometimes I wonder if that's something we only ever know with hindsight. And that really sucks. xx
