Sunday, December 8, 2013

What Went Right: #reverb13 Day 8

What went right in 2013?

Maybe you didn't quit smoking or lose those pounds or go to Paris, but something did work, did happen, and/or was realized. What was it?

On my birthday last April I made a list of thing to accomplish now that I am creating a new life: Forty Four For My Next 44. 

Some of the items on the list are still waiting to happen, but looking back I see that quite a few have already come true. What I'm most proud of getting right is actually the last one on this list.

  1. Travel more - This year during my annual California trip I went to Los Angeles and Palm Springs. Who knew I would love the desert and Palm Springs so much? When I'm an old rich person I plan on pushing my little dog in a stroller down the streets of Palm Springs. Late this summer I went to Seattle and absolutely loved that city, and not just because it's the home of Starbucks. They have a fabulous yoga community, food and vibe.
  2. Dance more - I miss dancing the night away.  I haven't been to a dance club in years, but not too long ago there I was in the middle of a club on the dance floor. I had so much fun dancing and laughing and feeling free. I will definitely be going back again. 
  3. Ride in a hot air balloon
  4. Finally find a sun dress that doesn't make my butt look huge -  Thank you to my mom for teaching me to love Macy's and know how to shop their sales. I not only found one sundress that didn't make my butt look huge, I found many of them! (See #7)
  5. Skydive
  6. See the Grand Canyon
  7. Not wait for special occasions to dress up - This turned out to be the summer of sun dresses! (See #4) I wore them almost any day I wasn't at work. It didn't matter if I was going to the farmer's market or out with friends. Because I work in a gym my standard attire is sneakers and yoga pants. It feels good to dress girly when I can!
  8. Swim with dolphins
  9. Go on a cruise
  10. Whale watching
  11. Take an aerobics class in Los Angeles with Richard Simmons at his Slimmons Gym
  12. Ride a cable car in San Francisco
  13. Visit all 50 states - I added one more to my list - Washington state! (see #1)
  14. Have more fresh flowers in my house - So it turns out you don't have to wait for someone to give you flowers, you can buy them for yourself!  Although I actually did receive many beautiful bouquets this year. 
  15. Take a surfing lesson
  16. Take ballroom dance lessons - thanks to a "bring a friend" offer I've already taken two free lessons. Maybe someday I'll be able to afford more lessons.
  17. Be more spontaneous -I did good this year just "going with the flow" and learning to surrender control. It's very freeing to surround myself with people that I can trust to let my guard down. 
  18. Encourage my creative side to flourish - I'm finally writing again and I've printed out some pictures I took this year. I even made a painting all by myself! 
  19. Publish my book (It's in the editing process now. I just need to devote more time to it)
  20. Attend Summer Solstice in Times Square 
  21. Finish my 500 hour RYT
  22. Get back to a regular yoga practice again- And oh how good it feels to be on the mat again.
  23. Get back to a semi-regular meditation practice again - Maybe not quite semi-regular but on its way.
  24. Stress less about finances
  25. Make time to read more - My Kindle is with me almost always.
  26. Redecorate my kitchen
  27. Take more pictures
  28. Walk more
  29. Get a Labradoodle dog
  30. Be able to afford a house cleaner
  31. Watch my kids grow up to be healthy, productive adults
  32. Stay healthy into my old age
  33. Walk the beach more
  34. Take more chances
  35. Attend more live theater -I love the theater! And fortunately I've found a couple friends who also enjoy it. Last month I saw West Side Story and we already have tickets to Wicked in a couple months!
  36. Find a way to combine what I love to do with a way to support myself financially
  37. Laugh more - For a brief time I didn't think I'd ever laugh again. My laughter has returned and I'll be damn sure it doesn't leave me ever again. 
  38. See my book for sale on Amazon (see #19)
  39. Be debt free
  40. Care a little less what people think
  41. Paint a baseball field onto my backyard
  42. Take the kids to Disney World
  43. Find balance 
  44. Be happy- yes I can honestly say I am happy. Of all the things on my list, this is the one I'm most proud to have gotten right this year. In odd moments it would hit me - hey I'm happy! And now that I'm happier than I've been in many, many years, I am more confident in what I want, what I don't want, and ready to set down a path to reach the rest of my goals. 

This post is a part of #reverb13, a series of daily writing prompts to explore the year passed and manifest the year ahead. This prompt was found at Kat McNally Words to Soothe The Weary Soul.