Saturday, December 7, 2013

Reveal Your Self (ie): #reverb13 Day 7

Please post your favourite picture of yourself from 2013, self-portrait or otherwise!

That's me in the middle in the Flyer's sweatshirt. To the right are my girls and to my left are my "might-as-well-be-my-girls we are together so much anyway" daughters of my good friend.

It's not my most flattering picture of 2013. It's not even a good quality picture.

It is though my most carefree picture this year. And my happiest.

It was taken on one of those rare days that had no plan, yet the day ended up being absolutely perfect.

When I look at it I see a happy person, someone who can let go of her control issues and just live with abandon. I see laughter and happiness in the faces of those around her.

And, I see someone who can still rock a back bend with pre-teen girls.

This post is part of #reverb13, a series of daily writing prompts to explore the year passed and manifest the year ahead. This prompt was found at Kat McNallyWords To Soothe The Weary Soul


  1. Woohoo! Way to go mama! Love the pic and all it represents!!!

  2. Woohoo! Way to go mama! Love the pic and all it represents!!!

  3. That's the most fun photo I think I have ever seen! Gorgeousness! x

  4. That's a lot of good looking wheels!
